Saturday, March 30, 2013

5 ways to get things done and move forward

Many individuals come across hard times during their state of depression and are unable to handle everything that's happening around them. Here are 5 simple ways in order to help get you through your hardest days.

Step 1: Maintaining your current relationships
  • When people get depressed they get the feel to isolate themselves from others in order to think things over or to just get some alone time that they feel they need. As you strive to complete your daily tasks you should always encourage yourself to be socially connected with your friends and family. By doing this it allows you to receive the support and courage you may need to help get you through the day
Step 2: Enjoy the little things
  • When you are currently depressed it is often that you start losing trust in your own efforts. You can learn to take action by developing trust in your instincts. Now this factor can play a crucial role even in the smallest choices you make such as deciding on which chocolate bar to buy. Always try to encourage yourself to trust your judgments in order to help prevent yourself from second guessing the decisions you make.
Step 3: Set your phone aside
  • A common symptom of depression is the lack of concentration. If you are constantly receiving phone calls, e-mails or notifications, it may interrupt your course of thinking, diverting you from the more important tasks you should try to be focusing on. If this is challenging for you, try to put your phone  own and check less often, even if you receive a phone call its okay to allow them to go to voice-mail. Try to put your phone aside several times throughout the day in order to focus on the important tasks on hand.
Step 4: Live in the present
  • Regretting what you did yesterday or what may happen tomorrow may overwhelm your train of thought. Both of these habits can cause you to lack full attention when you may need it the most. Give your full attention to what you are doing in the present moment. When you wake up in the morning get a look outside your window, or grab the newspaper, to avoid worrying about work/school or any other aspects that might have you worried.
Step 5: Avoid feeding your depression
  • Although this step is vague, it is an important step to work on overcoming your state of depression. Feeding your depression creates a snowball effect, which means as you keep on feeding your depression it only get bigger and bigger just like if you were to feed a couple of birds in the morning, each day a couple more birds are likely to show up. Learn to identify the negative thoughts and worries that may be causing your depression so you can place positive and more realistic thoughts ahead of them.