Sunday, March 24, 2013


People have various methods of fighting their own battle in terms of dealing with depression. From my own experience of dealing with depression in the past personally I find changing your daily routine has many beneficial aspects. People like routine because it makes them comfortable and easily to manage their busy every day schedule. However, falling into routines has been proven to one of the many leads of depression. Therefore, doing things spontaneously at times encourage excitement and thrill of unexpected outcomes. During my time of depression, I’ve found a love to Pilates. Different from Yoga, Pilates require persistence to practice consistently it helps build strengths, flexibly, and improving balance over time.  I’ve become obsessed with Pilates and wanting to go everyday. The real issue is that coordinating my exercising time with school and a job on the side was ridiculously hard. But then a friend of mine introduced me to Blogilates. Sounds pretty odd at first but Blogilates is actually known to the yoga/Pilates community for quite sometime now.

Blogilates YouTube channel grew by popularity since 2009. Hosted by Cassey Ho, a bubbly gym enthusiast who loves to show her viewers different methods of exercising (especially Pilates) and healthy eating. Cassey’s Youtube channel now has more than 300,000 subscribers worldwide and her website has all the information about healthy eating/living from a-z, includes recipes, videos, tips, etc…

This blog posting sums up that even with a busy schedule, there are ways to get fit right at home in your own comfort. As mentioned many times in this blog before exercising and healthy eating is a great way to boost self esteem, improves mood, and combat health issues. I believe that with willingness and determination anyone can overcome difficult obstacles in life.  

Make sure to check out Blogilates YouTube channel and website (Blogilates)

Also try this out!

- K.P