Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feeling Depressed? A Movie Will Do You Good

When you're down often at times you won't leave your house and you often believe people aren't the greatest company to be around at the moment. As much as peers and family may say you have to go out and see the world... Things must be taken at your own pace and such things cannot be forced all the time as the results can be very dangerous to your physical and mental health. So our recommendation to uplift your mood and get yourself out of the ruts is to watch some happy go lucky movies.

Movies can help you momentarily escape reality and live in that "world" for an hour or two. For those who really love movies, you know how easy it is to devour yourself into the story line, characters, graphics, and etc. Attention ladies, as much as you love "The Notebook" and it can be tempting to watch such heart felting flicks, such movies can sometimes bring your mood down even more and it certainly won't help if you bring out the ice cream too. ;)

The movies that will most definitely bring you to a better place are
No once can say that watching the below scene can make you feel worse.

The important thing about that freedom train, is it's got to climb mountains. We ALL have to climb mountains, you know. Mountains that go way up high, and mountains that go deep and low. Yes, we know what those mountains are here at Glide. We sing about them. 
(Reverend Williams, The Pursuit of Happyness)

- E.N.