Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sports cure Depression?

When you are feeling depressed, you tend to force yourself to believe that there is nothing you can do to escape the depression you are feeling, well in most cases you are wrong and here is a possible solution to overcome depression, sports.

Now when i say sports you can go to the park and play some soccer or baseball, however you may feel too stressed to even consider catching a ball, or running around after one. A good solution to this is taking sports to the extreme, such as boxing. Boxing is a good way to handle stress because it allows you to unleash all the  hatred, or sadness within you. It allows you to push yourself to your limits and allowing your mind to overcome the depression. Although boxing is great for overcoming depression, it isn't the only thing you can do to treat depression, you can try rock climbing, weight lifting, or sprinting (not jogging or walking since it doesn't put any stress on your muscles allowing your brain to keep in tact with depression). You can even consider sky diving or anything out of the ordinary, even if it may be fearful it will drive the depression out of you.

These are just a few ways for dealing with depression in terms of sports. There are many ways to help cure depression without having to do any physical activities. -B.D